Temecula Turnings

A site to review wood lathe turnings and sculptures from Temecula wood turner and artist Mark Jones. Please e-mail me for specifics on ordering finished pieces or ordering pieces to be custom made for you. All pieces are one of a kind, unique to themselves. Please check archives for more turnings..........

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Earthly Elements Show

Figured mahogany plate- SOLD
Figured maple plate- SOLD

cypress vessel- SOLD
figured walnut platter

Fallbrook Art Center pieces

maple salad bowl- family wedding gift
mulberry natural edged platter- sold

Central California spaulded cottonwood platter- SOLD
silky oak pierced tree shadows......

just for fun and friends

bowls and plates for Romolo and Angela's olive oil.......
Paso Robles

off set boxes

trying my hand at wood piercing

free form- SOLD

wine bottles

for Francis James Vineyard..............