Temecula Turnings

A site to review wood lathe turnings and sculptures from Temecula wood turner and artist Mark Jones. Please e-mail me for specifics on ordering finished pieces or ordering pieces to be custom made for you. All pieces are one of a kind, unique to themselves. Please check archives for more turnings..........

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

wooden pieces taken to Paso Robles

winged walnut box w/ matching figured lid- $75 SOLD

14.5" x 1" figured mahogany platter (its flat, it doesn't look like it here)- $95 SOLD
14.5" x 1" oak tray with white liming wax- $95

for sale @ Hidden Oak Winery, Paso Robles SOLD
wine bottle charger (to stop red rings and "wet" rings on table) 5" x 6" poplar- $70 SOLD
also for sale @ Pear Valley Winery, Paso Robles
medium wine bottle charger, 2.5" x 5.5" poplar- $65 SOLD
also for sale @ Pear Valley Winery, Paso Robles
small wine bottle charger, 2" x 8" poplar- $60
for sale @ Stillwaters Winery, Paso Robles

wine bottle charger, 2" x 7" ebonized olive- $60

1" x 4" myoporum dish- $15 SOLD

2" x 5.5" olive bowl- $30 SOLD
also for sale @ Pear Valley Winery, Paso Robles

3.25" x 6.5" madrone bowl w/ inclusions filled with coffee and resin- $50

1.75" x 5" Hawaiian KOA hollow form- $ 45 SOLD

3/4" x 5" mahogany and walnut dish- $25 SOLD
also for sale @ Pear Valley Winery, Paso Robles

2.5" x 8.5" ash crotch bowl- $ 45 GIFT

2.5" x 6" x 7.5" eucalyptus natural edged bowl- $ 35 GIFT

2.5" x 8.25" lacewood bowl from Hawaii- $ 60 GIFT

2" x 4.5" x 8" sculpted monkeypod bowl from Hawaii- $ 35 GIFT